Skin Care and Dermatology Compound

For dermatologists, we have the capacity to compound an endless variety of formulations that meet the needs of physicians and patients.
Combination bleaching creams. Commercially HQ% is available by itself. Many Physicians want to prescribe a combination of HQ, Retinoic acid and Triamcinolone. One of our popular combinations is HQ 4% + Retinoic acid 0.1% + Triamcinolone 0.025%. The obvious advantage of compounding this is to provide the patient with 1 cream, which has all three ingredients.
Hard to find Injectables – such as Celestone, Dexamethasone, Kenalog, Depo Medol, Wydase. Many of these are on manufacturer back order, but can still be custom compounded in certain situations. Please call us for more details.
Clindamycin + Lipoic acid + Dmae+ Glycollic acid + Retinoic acid
Alternate Acne creams. Some are specific formulas containing an antibiotic such as clindamycin or erythromycin, Sulfur, Retinoic acid, Salicylic acid and Azelaic acid combination
Anti-Aging Creams – Most popular is the Lipoic acid + Dmae+ Retinoic acid + Glycollic acid. The % varies. Lipoic acid {1 to 5 %}, DMAE {0.5% to 4 %}, Glycollic acid {4 to 8%}, Retinoic acid {0.025% to 0.1 %}. Many other ingredients can be added to the above combination. Find out more at our ingredient dictionary at our website under skin care and dermatology. One such popular ingredient is Hyaluronic acid.
Wart – The Dr S # 1 and Dr. S # 2. The # 1 formula contains TriChloro acetic acid + 2-DeoxyD glucose + Podophyllin + Salicyllic acid 8.
Alternate Wart formula – Cimetidine + 2-DeoxyD-Glucose+Acyclovir in Herpaleve Cream
Wart – Another protocol for warts is a solution of 2-4 dinitrochlorobenzene. Usually 2 seperate strengths are prescribed – please call for more details
Wart formula containing salicylic acid, 5 fluorouracil, levamisol and 2 deoxyd glucose
Anesthetic Cream – Main Ingredients contain – Benzocaine + Tetracaine + Prilocaine + Lidocaine. We call it Fort BLT. Many Dermatologists use this for Laser Hair removal and minor in office procedures to provide a local anesthtic effect. We have contantly improved this formula and now the feedback we have received suggests that it is fast acting and effective.
Wound Care – Skin Ulcers – Diabetic Foot Ulcers Cream.
Pain Creams. We specialize in working with orthopedic surgeons and Pain Management clinics. Over 20 different formulas are available labelled from P1 which is a simple Ketoprofen 10% cream to a P7 Lidocaine 5% + Ketoprofen 20% + Ketamine 2% + Carbamezapin 5% + 0.2% 2-DOG + 3% Acyclovir {Popular for Shingles. to P6 Lidocaine 5% + Ketoprofen 10 % + Ketamine 2% + Gabapentin 10% and P5 Lidocaine 5% + Ketoprofen 20% + Ketamine 2% + Carbamezepin 5% for Neuropathic pain.
Custom Compounded Pain Creams for many different Physicians. One Physician used a hypertoniccream to improve blood circulation. His Favorite ingredients are Morphine + Dextromethorphan and Gabapentin. He finds this very succesful in treating Diabetic Neuropathy
P3 is also very popular with Orthopedic specialists for back and shoulder problems because this combination has Diclofenac 5% + Lidocaine 4% + Prilocaine 2% + Gabapentin 3% + Baclofen 1%
Special mix Solutions for Hair growth – Men and Women
Jessners solution
Rosacea solutions
Praziquantel 3%/Azelastine HCl 0.1% Topical Gel
Metronidazole 0.75%/Ketotifen 0.05% Topical Cream
Azelaic Acid 15%/Ketotifen 0.05%/Oxymetazoline HCl
Psoriasis combinations
Derma zinc WITH 0.05% CLOBETASOL. This is a compounded item. The dosage form is a spray. The usual protocol, I have seen is a) DermaZinc with 0.05% Clobetasol. Use 1 spray BID on affected area. Do not use more than 2 weeks at a time. After using the above for 2 weeks use plain derma zinc spray. Then if needed go back to dermazinc with clobetasol for a 2 week period
Zinc pyrithione cream – similar concept. We can add any steroid if needed or Coal Tar or a moisturizer.
L.A. + DMAE+ R.A.+GLYCOLLIC ACID + ZINC PYRITHION BODY LOTION. This combination is also unique. Each ingredient has been know to help in Psoriasis skin condition { dry scaly skin }. On a regular basis this can be a good lotion. L.A. = lipoic acid, DMAE = Dimethylaminoethanol, R.A. = retinoic acid